“For our gospel did not come to you in Word only but also in Power and in the Holy Spirit and in ‘much assurance’, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake. And you became followers of us and of the Lord Jesus, having received the word, … … with joy of the Holy Spirit so that you became examples to all … …. who believe.” (1 Thessalonians 1: 5-7)
We are ‘Word & Power Assembly’
1 .A major product out of the many mission impacts of the apostolic work done by the Evangelism, Missions & Intercessory wheels of the Evangelism On Wheels Ministries International, a major Arm of Drs. Ihemelandu and Odochi Ndukwe & Family’s “INN MINISTRIES” and Apostolic call into the Lord’s Vineyard which runs (operates) under the preaching and pastoral mandate and commission of its parent ministry which is – 1 Corinthians 2 : 4 – “ Preaching the word, … in demonstration of the spirit and of power.”
2. A unique multinational full gospel Bible-believing and preaching missions – oriented and Missionary Church; because it is
3. A potter’s house where every broken or shattered earthen vessel &/or marred clay is put back together again by the Great Potter into vessels fit for the Master’s use!
4. A Christ – centered home where no one is considered ‘too far gone’ for Christ to change their lives and make them, to enjoy a personal relationship with Him
5. A sanctuary where you will learn how God’s word directly applies to your life and deals with those situations in your hands today;
6. A peculiar love family which ‘crosses’ barriers & where love-barriers are ‘crossed’ to love people (by practical ways, suited to their needs) into God’s kingdom!
7. Our ‘family-care’ orientation and touch – spiritual & physical, is an attitude and life-style exuding from graceful hearts. It is a precious ointment upon the head,… and our leadership; And it flows,- right from the head, to the beard and goes down to the skirts! Everyone contacts it, everyone manifests in it!!
And here, the Lord commands the Blessings!
The spirit of love, compassion and unity of purpose is so strongly visible, visibly strong and evidently felt, that “Anyone who comes there certainly feels the warmth of God’s family and Jesus’ love. People do not just get to feel a ‘visitor’s – welcome’, they receive a unique sense of belonging into God’s family and Jesus’ love!
- In Here … “Anybody becomes and is somebody ‘valued’ in Christ,
- In Here, … Somebody with Christ is in fellowship with the Godhead and a ‘fellow-sheep’ with Everybody,
- And In Here, …. Everybody is uniquely, ‘properly & suitably fed and nourished’, to worship only Jesus as Lord; and to know from their ‘new-birth’ that whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even – our faith!