God bless you!
I am Pastor Ihemelandu N. Ndukwe, the Lead Pastor of Word and Power Assembly churches in the United Arab Emirates.
I believe that you have entered – not just into a website, but into the place where you will have a definite encounter with God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; a place of healing and restoration, reconciliation, regeneration, transformation, refreshing and shelter from the heat of life.
The Lord called us not to preach in the enticing words of man’s wisdom but to preach the word of God pure and unadulterated, in demonstration of the Spirit and of Power, so that men’s faith will not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God!
There are living proofs in this place of God’s power and faithfulness. Come and enjoy your own experience in and of His Word and Power for He is faithful who has called us and who also is fulfilling His Word and confirming our words with signs and wonders following.
Get ready for a life changing and transforming time with the Lord as you go through the different anointed materials.
Welcome and may the good Lord richly bless you!
What to expect here
Expect to experience the uniqueness of the church – Word and Power Assembly a.k.a WAPA!
A unique place in the United Arab Emirates for a unique personal experience in God’s Presence
- Expect to see us, and Jesus, … expecting you!
- Expect a church service God makes / made relevant & joyful each week for everyone Because Our Fellowship is with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and with fellow men,!
- Expect to experience the uniqueness of the church – Word and Power Assembly a.k.a WAPA! Every WAPA Service is unique because it is predictably, unpredictable! The Services may be alike in name, but we know that no two services are, nor will/can ever be exactly alike;
- But You can be sure to experience in each service an exclusive spiritual atmosphere of impacting prayers, great praise & heart-felt worship, and life – transforming moments with God.
- And because we allow the Holy Spirit to work the ‘new’ thing God wants to do for everyone, the answers to every question or missing aspect of people’s lives are instantly always readily supplied. So expect the Lord to meet you at that very point of your need(s)! Yours will not be an exception! Just Expect it!
- You’ll hear Timeless – truth teachings and preachings by revelation, relevant to real people like you who may be facing real life circumstances. And the beauty of it all is this : Our messages do not require a degree in theology to understand them. We call this ‘ Profitable Time’ … for in God’s Presence is fullness of Joy, and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore!
- Expect to see other people in all stages of this life’s journey! There may be atheists, skeptics, spiritual seekers, the broken and hurting inside, new or old & even backslidden Christians, people of different knowledge levels and living standards! These are just the real people we, and Jesus, are seeking! These ‘names’ don’t matter to us, but Christ that will be formed in them!
- And With no barriers nor boundaries, we welcome and appreciate all persons – old or new in town, from every nationality, tongue or tribe, religion, Gender, age and work class Etc., What’s important is that each contributes to the exclusively vibrant atmosphere we enjoy each meeting. Everybody is somebody special in WAPA because Jesus is Lord over all.
- In all, you will find first, true hospitality, Honest friendship and fellowship with “fellow-sheep”. If you remain, You will have A family, a home, … plus a sense of a belonging to it in the Family-Care/Small Discipleship Groups!
- We are just a bunch of blessed people who know the joyful sound – JESUS! I give you a while, Expect to surely contact and adapt into it!
- In dressing …. … whether Dressed-up or Dressed-down, Suited or Casual, Native or Exclusive, in work-clothes or play – clothes … either way- come, dressed just as you want to be/ being who you are, …. And don’t feel judged! You’ll not be; but will find yourself fitting right in! We do not look at the ‘seen’ i.e. at the outside, but at the unseen i.e. what’s inside! It’s what’s inside, the hidden/unseen man -principally your heart for Christ, that matters and concerns us. But sooner than later, expect and be sure you’ll be found putting on the whole armour of God, and clothed upon on the inside with your house which is from heaven (2Cor.5:1-5)
So … “Come, just as you are … For everything is ready for Everyone who thirsts!”